Monday, May 19, 2008

My first ever kumeras

A guy in a garden centre told me he had financed his university studies by growing kumera and in Wellington no less. His secret was to mound them up and put them under black polythene. So I did this and even in poor soil, they grew really big. More to harvest yet.


Esther said...

What a great idea. Just to clarify:
Do you mean after you've mount up with soil like with potatoes, a piece of black plastic was placed over it? Won't the leaves be covered and have no access to the sunlight? Won't this be a problem? Thanks.


Otaki4fruit said...

Sorry for taking so long Esther. No the plants were coming through the hole in the plastic and got plenty of sunlight. It was tricky watering them though. I am not sure if I will do it with plastic this year but the mounds are good.