Tuesday, August 15, 2006

We now have three geese

Well at the moment I can't seem to send a photo to this site but we now have two male geese and one female. We bought them at the auction at the Tree Crops Association local meeting on a very rainy day. They are doing a lot of work as manure machines. Grass in one end manure out the other.

For a while they didn't explore too much but lately have had the odd journey to the back door, not a great idea if you want to walk barefoot, or walk inside with your shoes on... We will have to solve this problem. They are Sebastopol variety, the white ones with curly feathers so they look untidy. Fortunately they don't make much noise at all and don't seem to fly. However I have recently discovered they can fly, so the solution seems to be to make them happy with lots of fresh water. We bought a container from the Warehouse and they wade in it, leaving more manure. So the water needs changing daily. Also I have gathered up the manure, put it in the blue tub with water and fed the liquid to the cabbages and celery and rhubarb.

They aren't sexually mature yet, so won't be laying eggs for a while.

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